SINCE 2018
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Women’s Empowerment?
Why is empowering women important?
Why does the Murphy Charitable Foundation focus on women?
What is the aim of the Women Empowerment Initiative?
What Sets Kind Loans Apart?
How Can I Provide a Loan?
How Can I Retrieve My Loan After 12 Months?
What Is the Minimum and Maximum Loan Amount I Can Lend?
Why Do Women Lack Economic Rights?
Why Should Women Have Economic Rights?
Why Do You Think Women are Underrepresented in Communities?
What is the Focus of Your Program?
Do You Offer Any Training for Women?
What Is the Loan Repayment Period?
How Can I Track the Impact of My Loan?
Does Kind Loans Have a Loan Management Application?
Can I Refer Others to Support Vulnerable Women?